Sponsorship Information
Partner with NCSA! Become a Spring Conference Sponsor. Register below.
Sponsor Provides:
500 - Organization branded lanyards
Organizations Logo
1 Designed social media post for the NCSA platforms.
NCSA Provides:
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
Company logo in the conference program and signage.
1 social media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship at keynote session
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Exp table inside the ball room
Conference meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides:
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship at opening dinner
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room
Conference Meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship before the luncheon
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room
Conference Meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship before the break outs/snack break
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room
Conference Meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship during breakfast
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room
Conference Meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship before the entertainer
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room
Conference Meals for 2 company representatives
Sponsor Provides:
High-res logo for NCSA use
Design for social media post
NCSA Provides :
Company logo in the conference program and signage
Verbal recognition of company’s sponsorship before the super session/snack break
Company logo on the NCSA conference website
One Social Media post on the NCSA channels
A complimentary Expo table inside the ball room